Steve Mulroy


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Man Convicted of Rape of a Child and Incest for Sexually Assaulting Family Member

Shelby County, TN— On Wednesday, Jose Ruelas was found guilty of Rape of a Child, Aggravated Sexual Battery and Incest, following an intense three-day trial. Ruelas was arrested in 2022 after the victim's mother reported to authorities that her daughter, now a teenager, had disclosed that Ruelas had been sexually abusing her since she was seven.

In a previously recorded video shown by the state during the trial, the victim revealed disturbing details, such as the defendant showing her pornographic videos,  inappropriate touching, and other sexual acts within the span of several years. Ruelas has confessed to the allegations. After 40 minutes of deliberation, the jury returned a unanimous guilty verdict on all counts.

“Although nothing will ever be able to take away the pain that our victim has faced, we are grateful that the members of the jury gave our victim the justice she deserves,” said Chief Prosecutor Gavin Smith, who handled the case along with ADA Alexia Crump. “We are humbled and honored to be able to help hold the defendant accountable on behalf of the people of Shelby County, but most of all, our victim.”

Ruelas is facing a sentence that could range from 25 to 58 years. Sentencing is forthcoming.