Steve Mulroy


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DA Issues Statement after Alleged Railgarten Shooter Receives Bond

Today, Detawn Gunn, previously released on his own recognizance last month after being charged with injuring four people in an altercation outside Railgarten in August, has been taken into custody after a new bond hearing. The altercation stemmed from a dispute over a parking space.

Judge Bill Anderson initially ROR’d Gunn, meaning no bail payment was required. The Shelby County District Attorney’s Office challenged this decision, filing an emergency writ of certiorari. Today, Judge Jennifer Mitchell ruled in favor of the State's appeal, setting a $100,000 bond and ordering Gunn back into custody.

Statement from the Shelby County District Attorney’s Office: "We’re pleased with today’s outcome. Filing the emergency writ was the right decision to ensure the safety of the public.  Although we would have preferred a higher amount, securing a bond in this case was necessary to uphold public trust and maintain safety in our community."