Steve Mulroy


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Human Trafficking Awareness Event Set for Thursday Morning

July 29, 2020 – Local leaders will participate in a Red Sand Project ceremony at 8:30 a.m. Thursday at 1290 Lamar at Cleveland to commemorate World Day Against Trafficking in Persons.

The global Red Sand Project involves pouring grains of sand into pavement cracks to symbolize those individuals who have fallen through the cracks and who are vulnerable to human trafficking and exploitation.

The ceremony will be hosted by Restore Corps, a local non-profit that fights human trafficking and provides services, empowerment and hop to survivors.

Speakers at the 30-minute program will include Coasy Hale, director of Survivor Services at Restore Corps.; Shelby County Dist. Atty. Gen. Amy Weirich, and spoken word artist Recina Coles.

A community sand pouring will be led by Rachel Sumner Hagaa, executive director of Restore Corps.