Steve Mulroy


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Man Pleads Guilty to Kidnapping, Stabbing, and Pouring Insecticide Down Neighbor's Throat in Brutal Home Invasion

Norman Hudson, 63, pled guilty to multiple charges including Attempted First Degree Murder, Especially Aggravated Robbery, Especially Aggravated Kidnapping, Especially Aggravated Burglary, and Fraudulent Use of a Credit Card. These charges are related to a 2019 incident where Hudson broke into his neighbor's home, tied her up, slit her throat, and poured insecticide down her throat. He then stole her jewelry, purse, and credit cards.

The victim's husband found her upon returning home, and they called the police. The Memphis Police Department tracked Hudson to a nearby ATM where he was withdrawing money using the victim's account. The state was prepared to proceed to trial on October 7; however, the victim supported a plea deal. Hudson pled guilty and was sentenced to 23 years at 100%.

He will be over 80-years-old before becoming eligible for release.