Steve Mulroy


Latest SCDAG News

Man Convicted of First-Degree Murder Sentenced to Life in Prison

 Shelby County, TN—  Darrell Peterson has been sentenced to life in prison for the 2020 murder of Patricia Bryant following the State's argument for the maximum allowable sentence. On Friday, Judge Chris Craft handed down the life sentence, additionally sentencing Peterson to 15 years for each count of attempted murder and ten years for employing a firearm during a felony. These sentences will run consecutively to the life sentence, resulting in an effective sentence of life plus 25 years at the Tennessee Department of Corrections.

During the sentencing hearing, one of the victim's family members delivered a poignant victim impact statement. The sentencing follows Peterson's conviction on May 31 for first-degree murder and other related charges.

During the sentencing hearing, the State argued for the maximum sentence based on several factors: the wishes of the victim’s family, Peterson’s extensive criminal history, community safety, and the severity of the offense. Judge Craft concurred with the State's position on consecutive sentencing.

This conviction and sentencing underscore the commitment of Shelby County DA's Office to ensure justice for victims and uphold public safety.

Assistant District Attorney Sam Winnig handled the case.

