Steve Mulroy


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State Successfully Handles Detention Hearing for Juvenile Co-Defendant in I-240 Shooting Incident

The State conducted a detention hearing today for one of the two juvenile co-defendants involved in the June I-240 shooting, that injured a family of five. One of the juvenile faces multiple charges, including Attempted First Degree Murder (7 counts), Carjacking (4 counts), Aggravated Robbery (7 counts), various firearm-related offenses, and Reckless Endangerment (3 counts). The District Attorney's Office successfully established probable cause for all charges, and the State's request for detention was granted. In preparation for this hearing, the State filed a Notice of Intent to Seek Transfer to criminal court.

Earlier this week, two adult defendants, Kendrick Ray and Lorenzo Watson, appeared in court, with their case proceeding to a Grand Jury for indictment. The incident, which occurred in June, involved the shooting of a family of five as they drove on the interstate.

DA Mulroy emphasized the gravity of the situation, stating, "This incident is troubling for several reasons, including the shooting taking place on the interstate and the fact that this group of violent offenders shot into a car where minors were present. We will do everything we can to ensure justice is served and all individuals responsible are punished appropriately."

The second juvenile co-defendant was detained on June 24, 2024. The two adult suspects remain behind bars on a $1 million bond.

ADAs Matthew John and Alanna Rice are handling the case.